With Rs 17,087 crore raised so far this calendar year, the total is already 2.4 times that of the full year of 2023, which stood at Rs 7,266 crore. Illustration: Dominic Xavier/Rediff.com ......
Scores of employees took to social media to express disappointment and said they were asked to resign over WhatsApp calls. On Twitter, some said they had been asked to resign by May 31 and that......
Unlike bank FDs that are considered risk-free investments, NCDs do carry a certain amount of risk.Sarbajeet K Sen surveys the NCD investment landscape. Illustration: Uttam Ghosh/Rediff.com A slew......
After consumer finance and real estate, the Indiabulls Group is set to step into the retail business. Indiabulls Wholesale Services Ltd, a subsidiary of listed firm Indiabulls Real Estate Ltd, will......
'In the business of money, where you are regulated, the liability lies on the head of the acquirer.''It is not a good thing when you cannot spot the risks.' Illustration: Dominic Xavier/Rediff.com......