Gold prices tumbled by Rs 3,350 to Rs 72,300 per 10 grams in the local market in New Delhi on Tuesday amid subdued demand by jewellers after the government announced the customs duty cut on the......
'Customers are coming in; if they aren't buying, they are at least visiting the stores, which was not the case before the Budget.' IMAGE: Kindly note the image has been posted only for......
India has started to make physical checks of gold stocks held by wholesalers to ensure inventories match the amount imported by banks and state-run traders, an industry association said, as the......
The first tranche of sovereign gold bond for 2022-23 will open for subscription for five days from June 20, the Reserve Bank of India said on Thursday. IMAGE: Kindly note that this image has been......
Gold is usually seen as a safe-haven when stocks are falling or when inflation is rising. Photograph: Leonhard Foeger/Reuters With prices of the yellow metal hovering near record highs, people are......
The issue price for Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2021-22, which will open for subscription for five days from November 29, has been fixed at Rs 4,791 per gram of gold, the Reserve Bank of India said......