As markets watchdog Sebi plans a capacity augmentation of its fraud detection system, IT majors, including Wipro, HCL, Tech Mahindra and L&T Infotech, have evinced interest in bagging the contract.......
More than 30 entities, including brokers and high net worth individuals, have come under the scanner of market watchdog Sebi for unusual trading activities on the day of Lok Sabha election results.......
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) says it will mark the current financial year with initiatives to protect investor interest, strengthen the regulatory mechanism and make markets......
Tata Consultancy Services has bagged a four-year contract of over $200 million from the Social Security Institute of Mexico.As the strategic IT services partner for IMSS, TCS will provide IT......
Mumbai-based IT services provider Tata Consultancy Services has signed a four-year, $200 million (around Rs 800 crore) contract with the Social Security Institute of Mexico -- one of its biggest......