IT major HCL Technologies' Shiv Nadar has retained his position as the 'most generous Indian' in 2023 as well, with a 76 per cent jump in his donations at Rs 2,042 crore. Photograph: PTI Photo......
There are 50 people who donated a minimum of Rs 10 crore (Rs 100 million) in this period but Premji gave away six times as much as the person who comes second on the list, Anil Agarwal of......
Start-up entrepreneurs nearly doubled their contribution to philanthropy in 2022 but their numbers shrank. Illustration: Dominic Xavier/ They decreased to only three (from five) in the......
IMAGE: Azim Premji and his family gave away Rs 7,904 crore (Rs 79.04 billion) in philanthropy, up 1,645 per cent!!! over the previous year. Azim Premji -- but who else? -- tops the revised......
Software giant Wipro's Azim Premji donated Rs 9,713 crore or Rs 27 crore a day to retain his top rank among Indian philanthropists in FY21. Premji, the founder chairman of the company, increased......