The Haryana Police on Friday issued a lookout notice against the jailed Dera Sacha Sauda chief’s adopted daughter Honeypreet Insaan and another key aide following apprehensions that they......
She likes to describe herself as "Papa's angel, philanthropist, director, editor and actress" on social media. Honeypreet Insan is the adopted daughter of Ram Rahim Singh whose conviction in a......
Jailed Dera Sacha Sauda chief’s adopted daughter Honeypreet Insan has been booked for allegedly inciting violence following the conviction of Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, the Haryana Police said......
Contingents of paramilitary troops and the Haryana Police have been deployed in Panchkula as security arrangements were tightened ahead of Saturday's hearing in two murder cases against Dera Sacha......
Donald Trump, Hardik Patel, Kangana Ranuat… The year 2017 wouldn’t have been the same if it weren't for these personalities and many more. As we herald in 2018, here's a look at the......
Though Dentsu Aegis says C P Arora left the business in July 2016, his Twitter handle and LinkedIn profile continue to refer to him as group CFO of Denstu India. C P Arora, former group chief......
Last September on the eve of the release of Gurmeet Ram Rahim's MSG: The Warrior Lion Heart,'s Patcy N and Afsar Dayatar attended a huge concert in Sirsa, Haryana, to promote the......