The Tamil Nadu government on Tuesday cleared the Rs 13,180 crore project by Yuzhan Technology, part of Taiwan’s Foxconn Group, at Kancheepuram. The unit is reportedly expected to assemble......
The woes of China's biggest foreign electronic firm, Foxconn, employing over 800,000 Chinese employees continued with one more young worker committing suicide taking the number of such deaths in......
Lenovo Group Ltd said on Tuesday it was establishing a smartphone assembly unit in India, becoming the biggest Chinese company so far to respond to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's campaign to turn......
The move is a show of faith from three of the world's biggest technology companies in fast-growing Snapdeal Indian online marketplace Snapdeal is set to raise $500 million from a group of foreign......
Apple Inc is preparing for the largest initial production run for its next iPhones by the end of the year, The Wall Street Journal reported. The company is asking suppliers to manufacture......