The Tamil Nadu government on Tuesday cleared the Rs 13,180 crore project by Yuzhan Technology, part of Taiwan’s Foxconn Group, at Kancheepuram. The unit is reportedly expected to assemble......
In a sign of the expanding Apple supplier ecosystem in India, American multinational Jabil Inc will set up an electronics manufacturing facility in Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu with an investment of......
In FY22-23, Samsung exported $4.09 billion smartphones from India -- an increase of 42 per cent over 2021, when it was $2.8 billion -- accounting for 35 per cent of all smartphone exports. IMAGE:......
Apple’s strategy is to focus on India and a clutch of other countries as it diversifies its supply chain out of China. Shine Jacob reports. Photograph: Carlos Barria/Reuters If reports that......
After a series of suicides at Foxconn, Apple Inc's chief executive Steve Jobs said that Foxconn, the global contract company that assembles iPhones and iPads in China, "is not a sweatshop."......