The Border Security Force on Friday said it may have a 'limited confrontation' with Pakistan on the International Border in Jammu and Kashmir in April, soon after the harvest season is over. The......
A total of 822 incidents were reported in 2017, a rise from the 703 in 2016. Uttar Pradesh topped the list of states with maximum communal violence incidents in the country last year, the Lok......
The government on Tuesday announced that only four terrorists had entered the Pathankot Air Force station to carry out the strike that left eight people dead. Minister of State for Home Hansraj......
Ceasefire violations by Pakistan and casualties on the Indian side of the Line of Control and the International Border and terror attacks in Jammu and Kashmir have come down after the surgical......
A total of 88 Kashmiri youths joined militancy in 2016, the highest in last six years, the Centre has said, adding that infiltration almost tripled last year as compared to 2015. It, however, said......