The Maharashtra Police withdrew old rioting cases against right-wing leader Sambhaji Bhide, six months before the violence in Koregaon-Bhima near Pune, response to an RTI query has revealed. The......
A Pune court on Thursday remanded Hindu Ekta Aghadi leader Milind Ekbote, one of the accused in the Bhima-Koregaon violence case, in police custody till March 19. The police had on Wednesday......
Bharipa Bahujan Mahasangh leader Prakash Ambedkar has called for a Maharashtra bandh on Wednesday to protest the state government’s “failure” to stop the violence at Bhima......
The Mumbai police refused permission for an event to be attended by Dalit leader Jignesh Mevani and student leader Umar Khalid on Thursday, as their Pune counterparts booked the duo for making......
Several towns and cities in Maharashtra were on edge on Tuesday as Dalit protests against Monday’s violence in Pune spilled over to capital Mumbai, with agitators damaging scores of buses,......