HDFC Bank on Tuesday said RBI has given approval to the group to acquire up to 9.5 per cent stake each in six lenders, including ICICI Bank and Axis Bank. IMAGE: Kindly note that this image has......
In a mixed bag for HDFC Bank ahead of the parent HDFC's merger with itself, the Reserve Bank of India has declined to make exceptions on certain aspects, and has offered some leeway on others.......
The pitch ‘our insurance company has tied up with 1,600 garages’ seems attractive to buy cashless motor insurance. However, this means little if the garages aren’t located close......
In HDFC Life, the company has to pare 1.43 per cent, and in HDFC Ergo, it has to pare only 0.58 per cent. Illustration: Dominic Xavier/ The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked mortgage......
Expect premiums to go up or introduction of a co-pay option for third-party damage It’s a new, and a much tougher regime for violators of traffic rules. With the new Motor Vehicles Act......