The Students Federation of India on Thursday organised the screening of the BBC documentary on the 2002 Gujarat riots at the University of Hyderabad even as the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's......
Scores of students of University of Hyderabad on Friday blocked the varsity’s administration building demanding immediate removal of vice chancellor Appa Rao Podile and lifting of......
University of Hyderabad Vice Chancellor Professor Appa Rao Podile, who went on leave at the height of an agitation over the suicide of research scholar Rohith Vemula, on Tuesday resumed......
Protests intensified at the Hyderabad Central University on Wednesday over the alleged suicide of a Dalit research scholar even as more politicians headed to the campus, demanding resignation of......
The storm over the suicide of a Dalit student in Hyderabad University intensified on Thursday despite the revocation of the suspension of four of his co-research scholars as the controller of......