The Rajasthan police has arrested two of the eight accused wanted in the alleged abduction and murder of two Muslim men from Bharatpur in Rajasthan by suspected cow vigilantes in Haryana, an......
Amid an uproar over cow vigilantism, the Haryana government has decided to carry out police verification of all members of the ‘gau raksha dals’ (cow protection groups) in the state......
New figures reveal that 54 per cent of the cow-related violence were from states governed by the Bharatiya Janata Party. Mohammad Akhlaq, Mohammad Ayub, Pehlu Khan. The three names are......
'The BJP has failed to protect cows.'Why doesn't the government say it is a government for cows, mandir and the Ganga?''Why don't they declare the cow as a national animal? On March 31, Pehlu......
'It's not only holy reverence that drives them to such vigilantism -- there is adventure too.''Some of the younger gau rakshaks enjoy the thrill of the chase: Stopping vehicles, wielding weapons,......