Jailed Rashtriya Janata Dal chief Lalu Prasad was on Thursday granted a three-day parole to attend his son’s wedding in Patna this Saturday, a senior jail officer said. Prasad, 69, who has......
In just 18 frames, the photograph of the dainty Sheena, with her winsome smile and starry eyes, dissolved, flesh falling off her facial bones, into what the CBI alleged was her corresponding......
Indrani was cheering Pasbola on from the back, with little, happy whoops, that she muffled with her chunni.Indrani was in her element on Friday. The defence's cross-examination was clearly going......
‘On Day 157 of the murder trial in CBI Special Courtroom 51, one was finally face to face with Sheena Bora’s skull. Or rather the skull said to be Sheena’s, that was found near......
‘Bedecked, both days, in variations of pretty pinks and whites, kohl, her hair streaming over her shoulders, a dot of bright sindoor in its parting, Accused No 1 in the Sheena Bora murder......