The Bombay high court on Friday granted temporary bail of four days to former Delhi University professor Hany Babu, an accused in the Elgar Parishad-Maoist links case, to undergo cataract surgery......
There is prima facie material to show the involvement of Delhi University professor Hany Babu, arrested in the Elgar Parishad-Maoist links case, in furthering the activities of banned terror......
A two-judge bench of the Bombay high court on Wednesday recused itself from hearing the bail plea of Delhi University's associate professor Hany Babu and the plea of Gautam Navlakha, both accused......
The Bombay high court on Tuesday directed a private hospital in Mumbai not to discharge Hany Babu, a Delhi University associate professor arrested in the Elgar Parishad-Maoist links case, till June......
Delhi University associate professor Hany Babu, an accused in the Elgar Parishad-Maoist links case, moved the Bombay high court on Wednesday seeking medical aid for an eye infection which he......