The Aam Aadmi Party on Friday demanded a probe into the alleged "leak" of a communication on the Jan Lokpal Bill from the Solicitor General to the Lieutenant Governor. "Anything that has gone to......
Vice Chancellor of Jamia Milia university and a seasoned bureaucrat Najeeb Jung was on Monday appointed as the new Lt Governor of Delhi while former Delhi Police Commissioner K K Paul was made......
The Bharatiya Janata Party is likely to be invited to form a government in Delhi with Lt Governor Najeeb Jung sending a report to President Pranab Mukherjee seeking permission to call the single......
Delhi Lieutenant Governor Najeeb Jung played a "key role" in ending the stalemate between the Aam Aadmi Party government and the Centre by getting the two sides to reach a compromise on issues......
Unhappy with the three-year sentence to the juvenile convicted in the brutal December 16 gang rape, Lieutenant Governor Najeeb Jung said there was a need to review laws for juveniles, including the......