Home Minister Amit Shah on Thursday spoke to the chief ministers of Tamil Nadu and Kerala ahead of cyclone Burevi that is expected to hit the two states later on Thursday. IMAGE: Police personal......
With the monsoon landing in Kerala on Thursday, parts of the state received isolated heavy rainfall with yellow alert being issued in nine districts of the state and orange alert in one. IMAGE:......
A cyclone is very likely to hit Tamil Nadu on December 4, the second time in a week, the Cyclone Warning Division of the India Meteorological Department said on Tuesday. IMAGE: Fishing boats......
A depression formed over the Bay of Bengal on Monday and it is very likely to intensify into a deep depression and progress as a cyclonic storm, bringing heavy rainfall in south Tamil Nadu and......
Cyclone 'Fani' is very likely to intensify into a "severe cyclonic storm" in the next 12 hours and further soar into a "very severe cyclonic storm" in the next 24 hours, the cyclone warning......