An National Cadet Corps cadet was hit by a bullet allegedly fired by his instructor at a shooting range in Pune, the police said on Monday. Parag Ingle of Wadarwadi, an NCC cadet from class VII of......
Police have claimed that the probe into the murder of rationalist Narendra Dabholkar is on the "right track". But no concrete clue to the broad daylight slaying seems to have emerged a month after......
Activist Narendra Dabholkar, who was in the forefront of a campaign to persuade Maharashtra government to pass an anti-superstition and black magic bill, was shot dead in Pune on Tuesday morning by......
Intermittent rains in Pune on August 1 when four explosions occurred on the bustling Jangli Maharaj Road, adversely affected visibility of the CCTV footage seized from the establishments near the......
In a major catch for the Navi Mumbai Police, three persons have been arrested on charges of illegal possession of five kilograms of 'depleted uranium' even as Atomic Energy Regulatory Board said......
The Joaquim Carvalho-led group, barring fellow-Olympian Gurbux Singh Grewal, swept the Mumbai Hockey Association polls that were held after five years. Carvalho and his band, that included 1984......