Bharatiya Janata Party president Amit Shah on Tuesday asked the co-operative sector banks of Gujarat to join the 'Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna' and take up a movement to ensure that everyone in......
The real estate industry on Thursday hailed the RBI's decision to cut key interest rate, saying the move will boost housing demand and also improve sentiments in the sluggish property market.......
Likes of Lakshmi Mittal and Arun Sarin are not the only people of India origin making it big in the British business world. A senior executive with global investment banking giant Goldman Sachs,......
Hyderabad-based Satyam Computers has set aside $1 billion (around Rs 4,100 crore) to buy companies which it finds attractive. "Any acquisition we make should have a lot of synergy with what we are......