Bharatiya Janata Party leader Kirit Somaiya on Sunday alleged that ad firm director Bhavesh Bhinde had paid Rs 46 lakh as bribe to a company of the wife of then Government Railway Police......
A 20-year-old girl was allegedly sexually assaulted by a 40-year-old man in the ladies' compartment of a moving Mumbai local train when she was travelling alone on Wednesday morning. The accused......
Eight days after an American woman was allegedly attacked and robbed inside a moving suburban train, Railway Police on Monday claimed to have cracked the case, with the arrest of a drug addict from......
The suspended senior Indian Police Services officer, accused of secretly filming the interrogation of Pune stud farm owner Hasan Ali Khan and leaking its doctored CD, has said that he was made......
An emotional father of railway police officer Shashank Shinde, who lost his life fighting the terrorists during the Mumbai attacks, has complained of his son's sacrifice being 'neglected'. "Even......