In a move towards gender inclusion, Tamil Nadu has partnered Godrej Consumer Products (GCPL) to offer a 5 per cent job reservation for LGBTQAI+ and people with disabilities at GCPL’s upcoming......
Adi Godrej, the patriarch of the Godrej group, in his vision for the future in 2011, had laid out an ambitious target to raise revenue ten fold to nearly Rs 80,000 (Rs 800 billion) to Rs 90,000......
Mutual funds’ largecap investment universe is expected to see seven changes in the upcoming stock reclassification exercise by the Association of Mutual Funds in India (Amfi). Illustration:......
Veteran industrialist Adi Godrej on Tuesday today handed over the baton of Godrej Group flagship firm Godrej Consumer Products to his daughter Nisaba, who at 39 years is among the youngest women......
Veteran industrialist Adi Godrej will step down as chairman as well as from the board of directors of Godrej Industries Ltd, passing on the baton to his younger brother Nadir Godrej, effective......