FIPB on Monday cleared Rs 6,400-crore (Rs 64-billion) foreign direct investment proposal of GlaxoSmithKline to acquire additional 24.33 per cent stake in its India arm. "The proposal of......
Global drugmakers have had a nauseous time in India's $14 billion market. Prices have dropped and valuable patents have been overruled as the authorities strive to make medicines affordable for the......
GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd is planning to in-licence the blockbuster cardiovascular drug, Carvedilol, of Swiss pharmaceuticals major Roche for the Indian market.Carvedilol is the first......
Nirmal Constructions, a leading real estate and construction group, is set to acquire the 20 acre Burrows Wellcome property at Mulund (a Mumbai suburb) for nearly Rs 230 crore (Rs 2.3 billion).At......
Pharma major GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd has sold its Worli plot for Rs 107.6 crore (Rs 1.08 billion) to I-Ven Realty Ltd, a joint venture between ICICI Venture Funds Management Company Ltd......