The Calcutta high court on Thursday ordered the lodging of an FIR and a Central Crime Investigation Department probe into Trinamool Congress MP Tapas Pal’s alleged “shoot and......
A referee judge of the Calcutta High Court on Tuesday extended a stay on execution of an order of filing FIR against Trinamool Congress MP Tapas Pal for his alleged insensitive comments against......
West Bengal government on Wednesday moved an appeal before a division bench of Calcutta High Court challenging a single bench order that directed registration of an FIR against Trinamool Congress......
As the dust finally settles on the outcome of the Lok Sabha elections 2019 and Bharatiya Janata Party along with its NDA allies emerges as the clear winner, here is a list of who won in each of the......
Name:Balakrishnan Sreenivas Message:May this genial man continue as our cricket team for many for years to come. He taught us what real professionalism is. A nation of 1 billion people who are......