Capital markets regulator Sebi on Tuesday barred five brokerage houses for up to six months from making fresh applications seeking registration as commodity brokers as they failed to meet 'fit and......
Sebi filed a criminal complaint against the brokers with the economic offences wing, which on Friday registered a case under the Forward Contract Regulation Act 1952. After receiving show cause......
While global uncertainty has led to a rise in prices in 2016, there is still a lot of doubt regarding its future. The spot gold price recently touched a nine-week high at Rs 26,005 for 10 gms. Gold......
Market regulator asks third-party auditors to conduct forensic audit as brokers’ order books don’t tally with those of the exchange The Securities and Exchange Board of India......
Purchase a coin as token otherwise given gold's bleak outlook for some time, it doesn't make sense to invest or buy it. Image: Returns on investment in gold have not been that stellar in recent......