The Patiala police on Sunday arrested Gau Raksha Dal chief Satish Kumar after he was booked on charges of abduction among other sections and mainly in connection with a social media video showing......
The Rajasthan police has arrested two of the eight accused wanted in the alleged abduction and murder of two Muslim men from Bharatpur in Rajasthan by suspected cow vigilantes in Haryana, an......
Amid an uproar over cow vigilantism, the Haryana government has decided to carry out police verification of all members of the ‘gau raksha dals’ (cow protection groups) in the state......
The alleged dumping of meat pieces in the open by the staff of a hotel in Jaipur triggered rumours of beef cooking in the city following which the police arrested the hotel manager and another......
Punjab police has booked Gau Raksha Dal Chief Satish Kumar for allegedly assaulting some persons on pretext of cow protection, a day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked the states to act......