Bollywood actor, writer and director Neeraj Vora, known for films like Satya, Phir Hera Pheri and Daud, passed away on December 14, after being in coma for over a year. He was 54.......
'My needs are simple. I don't need that much money,' John Abraham remains modest. Unlike actors who tend to hike their fees after a hit, John Abraham remains different. Even after scoring a hit......
After collaborating on movies like Hera Pheri, Garam Masala, Bhool Bhoolaiya, De Dana Dan and Khatta Meetha, Akshay Kumar and director Priyadarshan will team up yet again.......
Akshay Kumar easily juggles genres but it's his comic chops that leave us in splits most regularly. No wonder, in the last couple of decades, he's aimed for the funny bone the most. (Does better......