The Delhi Police on Tuesday filed its voluminous charge sheet in a court in New Delhi in the Indian Premier League spot-fixing case naming underworld don Dawood Ibrahim, his close aide Chhota......
Audio intercepts of telephone calls was played by the Delhi police, on Tuesday, in a Delhi court to buttress its claim about the nexus between underworld don Dawood Ibrahim and bookies in the IPL......
Suspended cricketer Ajit Chandila and two others, arrested for their alleged involvement in the IPL spot-fixing scandal, were granted bail by a Delhi court which said there were some "missing......
Suspended cricketer Ajit Chandila, arrested in connection with the IPL spot-fixing scandal, on Monday claimed in a Delhi court that he has been "falsely implicated" in the case and there was no......
'The investigations were done properly and thoroughly. We established a link between Dawood Ibrahim and the core group that was accused of match-fixing.' 'The moment you increase the possibility of......