Applying for a loan? Check if you've paid your telephone bill or insurance premium first. Soon, your loan proposals will not depend only on your credit card and debt payment record with banks but......
For customers who want to know their individual credit rating scores, buying a credit information bureau's (CIB) report will take just a few minutes. However, trying to clear any lapses in that......
Reports suggest state-owned banks have lapped up Rs 40,000 crore, so far, using both bonds and equity instruments. The question, though, is whether there will be a perceptional change for PSB......
Fraudsters use someone else’s identity to apply for loans and do not repay itHave you ever received calls from a bank asking you to repay a two-wheeler loan you never took? Or has your......
If variation is over 50 points, write to the bank and bureau immediately to correct the discrepancy With four credit information bureaus functioning in the country, there are chances that you may......