The rights issue price has been set at Rs 1,257 a share, a discount of nearly 14 per cent to the last closing price of Rs 1,459. The company has set May 14 as the record date for the rights issue,......
At a time foreign institutional investors are supposed to be keeping away from the Indian market, the Mukesh Ambani-controlled Reliance Industries has got a Rs 2,000 crore (Rs 20 billion)......
The reduction in holdings comes at a time when technology firms are facing cross currency headwinds due to volatility in the global financial markets Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) and......
These account for investments equivalent to about half the equity assets of MF sectorEuropacific Growth Fund, the largest foreign portfolio investor in India was born seven years before......
While three of the top five FPIs - Capital, Government of Singapore, and Vanguard - have seen their investment value more than triple, India’s benchmark indices have risen just 70%.......