Even though electric two wheeler (e2W) companies saw a slight recovery in July of 12 per cent with 49,518 registrations — after a wash out in June because the government slashed the FAME 2......
India’s incumbent two-wheeler players, led by TVS Motors, are flexing their muscles, having crossed the registration of 10,000 electric two-wheelers for the first time in November this year,......
lectric two-wheelers have zipped past the half-a-million registration mark and achieved a market penetration of 4 per cent at the fag end of Calendar 2022, according to data released by VAHAN.......
Electric scooter registrations of eight companies which represent 95 per cent of the market have seen a sharp fall of over 24 per cent in May. Photograph: Kind courtesy Etergo/Facebook.com They......
Dubious chargers, poor battery placement and faulty wires are some of the culprits. India’s safety ecosystem is a black hole. Rigorous testing is needed for Indian conditions — beset......