Young Tamil film maker, M Saravanan, a protege of A R Murugadoss, has arrived on the Tamil film scene with a bang. Engeyum Eppothum has surprised all those who have seen the film. The acceptance by......
M Saravanan became a name to reckon with in Tamil cinema with his well crafted Tamil film Engeyum Eppothum made for A R Murugadoss and Fox Star Studios. It was the first Tamil production by......
After wowing audiences as Kani in Vasantha Balan's Tamil film Angadi Theru, Anjali is acting in a light romantic film Engeyum Eppothum produced by A R Murugadoss and Fox Studios Productions, and......
One could say that 2011 was one of the best years for Tamil cinema. Quite a few films impressed both critics and audiences alike. Tamil cinema is passing through one of its best phases with many......
Tamil film maker, M Saravanan, a protege of A R Murugadoss, arrived on the Tamil film scene with a bang. Engeyum Eppothum, his first film, was shot on location, and was Fox Star Studios' first......