The Bharatiya Janata Party on Saturday released its first list of 29 candidates for the Delhi assembly polls, fielding former MP Parvesh Verma from the New Delhi seat against ex-chief minister and......
A key meeting of the Bharatiya Janata Paty's newly-elected 54 MLAs in Chhattisgarh to pick the legislative party leader will be held in Raipur on Sunday which is likely to end the suspense over who......
The BJP on Friday chose former deputy chief minister R Ashoka as the leader of opposition in the Karnataka assembly. IMAGE: R Ashoka addresses BJP MLAs after being elected as the leader of......
The Bharatiya Janata Party on Saturday appointed election in-charges and co-in-charges for 23 states and Union territories in view of the Lok Sabha polls this year. Image only for representation.......
In a setback for the Congress ahead of the Lok Sabha polls, its Uttarakhand MLA Rajendra Singh Bhandari joined the BJP in New Delhi on Sunday and said that he was impressed by Prime Minister......
Let's say an arsonist sets fire to a building in a crowded area in order to collect the insurance. The fire brigade may demolish the next couple of buildings to prevent the fire spreading - even if......