Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh on Sunday underwent a routine medical check-up. The check-up was conducted by Dr Srinath Reddy and Dr Ramakant Panda at Dr Singh's official residence 7 Race Course......
Dr Ramakant Panda performed cardiac bypass surgery on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh shortly before the 2009 general election. As the Asian Heart Institute, which Dr Panda built from scratch in......
Doctors attending on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who underwent a coronary by-pass surgery last month, removed all his stitches on Sundayand said that he is now leading a normal life. "His......
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was discharged from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences on Sunday, more than a week after he underwent a successful coronary by-pass surgery at the prestigious......
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who is recuperating after a coronary by-pass surgery at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, would be discharged on Saturday 'if everything goes right', a......