Mahindra Renault on Thursday announced the launch of two new variants of its Logan models, one each in petrol and diesel. Of the two new models, the 1.6 GLX petrol vehicle would be priced at......
A large number of rich farmers, who earn more than salaried employees in the cities, get away with paying no tax at all in view of the government’s lack of will to consider an agricultural......
Tata Motors has launched two models of its flagship car Indica, LGi (petrol) and DLG (diesel) taking its range to four variants of petrol and diesel each. Indica LGi and DLG are priced at Rs 3.70......
Yamaha Motor India, encouraged by the upbeat response to Fazer, has unveiled two variants of the much-acclaimed executive commuter Fazer 125 -- Fazer Dlx (Deluxe) and Limited Edition Fazer.The......
Ambassador Cars T he Ambassador or Amby was the first car manufactured in India. Take the rediff business quiz to find out more about India's oldest and favourite car. Biz Quiz is......