The Mumbai Crime Branch on Sunday arrested a Gujarat resident from Akola in Maharashtra in the Baba Siddique murder case, taking the number of people held in the sensational incident to 25, an......
The masterminds of the murder of Nationalist Congress Party leader Baba Siddique had promised to obtain a passport based on fake documents for one of the shooters so that he could escape abroad,......
The police have arrested four more persons in the Nationalist Congress Party leader Baba Siddique's murder case, including a Haryana native suspected to be an important link between a shooter and......
The three gunmen involved in the killing of Nationalist Congress Party leader Baba Siddique in Mumbai practiced firing near a waterfall in adjoining Raigad district before executing the murder,......
In a breakthrough, Mumbai Police and Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force (STF) on Sunday arrested wanted shooter Shivkumar in Nationalist Congress Party politician Baba Siddique murder case from the......