Former Delhi police commissioner Neeraj Kumar, who also served as DG (prisons), said VVIP inmates have to be kept with "great caution" in Tihar since there is always a threat of them getting......
The Aam Aadmi Party on Sunday said Tihar authorities were 'lying' about specialist doctors examining Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, while his wife Sunita Kejriwal alleged that he was being......
With the Aam Aadmi Party maintaining that Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is running his government from Tihar jail, director general (prisons) Sanjay Baniwal on Monday said an inmate can sign legal......
Director General (Prisons) Sandeep Goel has been transferred from the Tihar Jail in Delhi, days after jailed conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar alleged extortion of Rs 10 crore for protection in prison.......
'During my tenure, I have even seen influential people asking for sexual favour and availing it. Sodomy is common inside Tihar and the powerful people get such favours from inmates either mutually......
Reliance ADA Group chairman Anil Ambani has been allowed to meet two senior executives of his parent company now lodged in Tihar prison who were arrested in connection with 2G scam case."We have......