Delhi Police has handed over the laptop and mobile phones of Congress MP Shashi Tharoor’s deceased wife Sunanda Pushkar to Gandhinagar-based Directorate of Forensic Science, to retrieve......
The narco-analysis test to be conducted on the accused in Sohrabuddin Sheikh fake encounter case, including suspended Indian Police Service officer D G Vanzara, has been postponed, Directorate of......
The businessman-servant duo from Noida, accused of serial killings of minor children of Nithari village, on Sunday underwent polygraph and brain mapping at the Directorate of Forensic Sciences,......
A team of officials from the Gujarat anti-terrorism squad and the directorate of forensic science, Gandhinagar, has reached Varanasi to study Tuesday's blast at the Dashashwamedh ghat. The ATS......
All the forensic tests on the two suspects in the Noida serial murder case drew to a close after the final narco-analysis test on prime accused Moninder Singh Pandher ended at the Directorate of......