To safeguard capital markets from outside risks, regulator Sebi will soon issue a new set of guidelines to govern outsourcing by stock exchanges and other key entities in the......
Market regulator Sebi plans to put in place a stronger and more effective surveillance system in the next fiscal 2013-14, by way of greater checks against money laundering and an overhaul of its......
The Securities and Exchange Board of India's coming board meeting is expected to restore the controversial G Mohan Gopal report on the initial public offer scam, according to sources close to the......
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) says it will mark the current financial year with initiatives to protect investor interest, strengthen the regulatory mechanism and make markets......
As the RBI governor between 1997 and 2004, Bimal Jalan ensured stability during the Asian economic crisis and countered the effects of a drought. Now, as the head of a committee set up by the......