Security forces on Friday launched a search operation in Kunjwani locality of Jammu after they received information about the presence of suspicious persons in the region. The joint search......
Security forces foiled an infiltration bid and gunned down three militants on the Line of Control in frontier Poonch district on Thursday evening. “The operation was launched in the evening......
Pakistani troops on Thursday violated border ceasefire as they resorted to "unprovoked" firing from across the Line of Control in Jammu region, which was retaliated to by the Indian forces, the......
At least five Pakistani soldiers were killed and six others injured in retaliatory firing by Indian Army in the Bhimber and Battal sector of Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday. As per sources, the......
Bravery of the wives of two army officers who were staying in the family quarters helped in averting a major hostage crisis during the encounter that took place in Nagrota area of Jammu on Tuesday.......