An Amnesty report stated that 109 cases of execution were reported in the country in 2017 as compared to 136 such cases in 2016. India saw a dip in imposition of capital punishment last year with......
A Supreme Court Deputy Registrar has resigned attacking the judgement clearing the death penalty for 1993 Mumbai blast convict Yakub Memon, saying two decisions within a span of hours are instances......
The Supreme Court will hear on Monday the plea of Yakub Abdul Razak Memon, the sole death row convict in the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts case, seeking stay of execution of his death sentence......
Why are Dalits protesting against hangings in Hyderabad?Why is the focus on Muslims in JNU?Why are the students insisting on representation from marginalised communities when they are being judged......
'Let us not fool ourselves into thinking that by sidestepping the rule of law, justice has been served in this case because we have once again very conveniently and completely absolved society's......
More lucrative routinely prescribed drugs are at higher risk of failing quality standards Substandard medicines could be three times more prevalent than the government says, two new studies show.......