DBS Bank India on Monday said customers of Lakshmi Vilas Bank, which has now been merged with it, can continue to access all banking services, and interest rates on savings and fixed deposits are......
While Gupta, 60, can rightfully bask in the glory he has achieved for his bank in the subcontinent, his peers in foreign banks will have to revisit their India play, especially the local......
Murugrappa Group on Tuesday said it has bought 37.48 per cent stake in Singapore based DBS Bank making it to hold controlling stake in their joint venture company Cholamandalam DBS Finance Ltd.......
Its obsession for growth, chasing corporate clients and giving up its original mandate of meeting the needs of local trade and businesses. A quarter of its loan book has gone bad.That's an error of......
Anil Ambani-led Reliance Communications said it has raised $255 million (about Rs 1,155 crore) by way of external commercial borrowing to partly refinance payment made for acquiring 3G spectrum.The......