Coca-Cola Company on Thursday replaced its corporate website with Coca-Cola Journey, which is a digital magazine that focuses on social causes and company news."Today, Coca-Cola is taking its......
When Danica Patrick made her Daytona 500 debut last year there were some who wondered if the media circus that surrounded her at NASCAR's top event was a tad excessive. She was only the third......
American Danica Patrick became the first woman to win a race in the Indy Racing League (IRL) on Sunday, powering to victory in the Indy Japan 300 race. The 26-year-old won by almost six seconds......
NASCAR driver Danica Patrick performs dressed as a showgirl during the American Country Awards in December 2013. Photograph: Ethan Miller/Getty Images NASCAR team co-owner Gene Haas has no desire......
Maria Sharapova may not have won a Grand Slam title since 2008, but the Russian tennis player remains unchallenged as the world's highest paid woman in professional sports. For the seventh......
Jimmie Johnson cemented his place in NASCAR's list of greats by winning his second Daytona 500 on Sunday, while pole-sitter Danica Patrick placed eighth, the best finish for a woman in the 'Great......