Tamil 'superstar' Rajinikanth on Sunday said the Centre might face the wrath of entire Tamil Nadu if the Cauvery Management Board was not set up immediately. READ: What the Cauvery dispute is about......
Taking a call on the Cauvery water dispute for the first time, the Centre on Monday told the Supreme Court that it cannot be directed to set up the Cauvery Water Management Board, but was setting......
The Supreme Court on Friday upheld the maintainability of appeals filed by Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala against the 2007 award of the Cauvery Water Dispute Tribunal on sharing the river water.......
The Supreme Court on Tuesday retained its direction to Karnataka to release 2000 cusecs of Cauvery water per day to Tamil Nadu till further orders and asked the two governments to ensure peace and......
Karnataka was on Tuesday directed to release 2,000 cusecs Cauvery water per day to Tamil Nadu from October 7 to 18 by the Supreme Court, which deferred its order asking the Centre to set up Cauvery......