Credit card spending reached Rs 2 trillion in October, a 14.5 per cent rise from September, largely driven by festival season purchases. Illustration: Uttam Ghosh/ However, the volume of......
Credit card spending in September recorded strong growth of 25 per cent year-on-year (Y-o-Y), marking the highest increase in six months. Even as many banks saw higher slippages during the......
The net credit card additions in the banking sector nearly halved to 2 million in the first quarter of the current financial year (Q1FY25) from the previous quarter due to seasonal and regulatory......
Balance-level delinquencies in the credit card segment saw a 17 basis points (bps) year-on-year (Y-o-Y) rise in the quarter ending June 2024 (Q1FY25). Illustration: Dominic Xavier/ In......
Major credit issuers, including the largest — HDFC Bank — have integrated their systems with the Bharat Bill Payment Systems (BBPS) for receiving credit card repayments via third-party......