Rocking festive styles and designer dazzle, Sukanya Verma picks the stars who aced the fashion game in September. Rashmika Mandana Photograph: Pradeep Bandekar Cream and gold never go wrong.......
A 11-member Indian delegation led by Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur walked the red carpet at the inaugural event at the Cannes film festival where India has been named as the......
Sukanya Verma lets her imagination fly on how the bride will look on her big day. Always a picture of grace and gorgeousness, Deepika Padukone is all set to glam up for one of the most important......
Her Cannes journey begins... Deepika Padukone may have got the Met Gala look wrong, but she knows how to rock the Cannes game. Right after she walked the red carpet in New York, she flew down to......
Sukanya Verma takes us through the latest trend in Bollywood. When it comes to plunging necklines, Jennifer Lopez's green, gravity-defying Versace gown from Grammys 2000 still wears the crown. But......