RBI said a total of 8,707 frauds involving Rs 1 lakh and above were detected during 2019-20 involving an amount of Rs 185,644 crore. Illustration: Dominic Xavier/Rediff.com The average lag......
The Reserve Bank of India on Tuesday asked banks to ensure that funding needs of small and medium exporters were met on priority basis.It advised Indian Banks' Association to devise a simplified......
As per the RBI Act, the central bank should have four deputy governors - two from within the ranks and one commercial banker and the fourth one an economist to head the monetary policy department.......
Frauds in the Indian banking system more than doubled in valueduring 2005, touching Rs 1,134.3 crore (11.34 billion) as against Rs 451 crore (Rs 4.51 billion) in the previous year, Lok Sabha was......
In a further crackdown on banks that have already been penalised for violation of customer identification norms, the Reserve Bank of India has decided to "indefinitely" put on hold all applications......