Officials interrogating Shiv Kumar Yadav, the accused in the rape of a 27-year-old woman in Delhi, term him as a "master of lies" and a "highly deceptive" person. The 32-year-old cabbie has emerged......
The 17-year-old has been charged with culpable homicide. The 17-year-old boy who allegedly knocked dead a man with his father’s Mercedes in Civil Lines in New Delhi has now been charged with......
A student of Delhi University’s St Stephen’s college has accused a college professor of sexual harassment and alleged that the principal tried to protect him when the matter was......
A 38-year-old lawyer was found dead outside an eatery near the Tis Hazari court in north Delhi on Friday morning. The police have arrested two men who worked at the eatery in this connection......
In a sensational case, a 15-year-old girl allegedly got her minor ex-boyfriend killed with the help of her new-found juvenile lover and four of his friends after inviting the victim for playing......