An Uttar Pradesh police officer was at the receiving end of a social media backlash after his video showering petals on Kanwariyas from a chopper went viral. Several Twitter and Facebook users......
The Assam government has set up an eight-member committee to prepare a framework for implementation of all clauses of the 36-year-old Assam Accord, especially the Clause-6 report prepared by a......
'The prowess with which they executed the shootings unmistakably bear the imprint of someone who has had professional training and briefing.''They were able to empty 21 bullets in five......
While BHU vice chancellor said that he had ordered an inquiry headed by a retired high court judge, the Uttar Pradesh maintained it was a magisterial probe. IMAGE: IMAGE: Heavy police force......
In a major administrative reshuffle in the state, the Uttar Pradesh government on Friday transferred as many as 70 Indian Administrative Service officers, including 32 district magistrates and five......