Imagine your credit card talking to you and displaying your balance, while doubling as a reward card. Well, your imagination will soon turn into a reality. Dynamics Inc is developing such cards......
The interest charged on an inter-state loan given to a credit card holder without the use of a plastic card would not be subject to the integrated goods and services tax (IGST), a two-judge bench......
Credit card spends in June, although down marginally month-on-month (MoM), remained above the Rs 1-trillion mark for the fourth consecutive month. Illustration: Uttam Ghosh/ In June,......
Only a couple of years earlier, gold and platinum cards were perceived as enhancing the social status of cardholders. However, customers are now exploring value propositions while selecting credit......
At a time when banks are engaged in a fierce battle to gain market share in the credit card segment, Citibank India has been losing its share, both in terms of outstanding cards and spends in the......