Malayalam film 101 Chodyangal is a touching tale, writes Paresh C Palicha. It is believed that a child's smile can wipe out all your sorrows. First time director Sidhartha Siva puts this belief to......
Kochavva Paulo Ayyappa Coelho is truly a feel-good venture that will leave a smile on your face for a long time, feels Paresh C Palicha. Paulo Coelho’s quote from his inspirational......
The latest updates from the Malayalam film industry. Meera Jasmine will play a cop in editor-turned-director Don Max’s directorial debut, Pathu Kalpanakal. Apart from......
Actor, writer and director Sidhartha Siva’s 101 Chodyangal that won two National Awards, is releasing today. The other film that releases today is Parthan Mohan’s One Here is a......