Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's Janata Dal-United on Tuesday launched a frontal attack on ally Bharatiya Janata Party, asking it to rein in 'loudmouth leaders' whose 'arrogance' had cost it an......
The Bharatiya Janata Party in Bihar, which has been on a collision course with Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's Janata Dal-United for some time, on Friday asserted that the coalition government will......
The fall of the V Narayanasamy-led Congress government on Monday is yet another chapter in the Union Territory's not so chequered political history with elected dispensations falling many......
Aslam Hunani/ gives the lowdown on the 59 seats spread across seven states and one Union territory going to polls in the last and final phase of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections on May 19,......
Shatrughan Sinha and Kirti Azad certain to be axed along with Union minister R K Singh and former minister Rajiv Pratap Rudy.M I Khan reports from Patna. IMAGE: Bharatiya Janata Party President......